This week’s lively was a contest to see who would win fan favorite–Jabba the Hutt vs. Hagrid. Why did we pit these two together? Mostly we thought it was funny.  But then as we thought about it we realized that they had some similarities.  They are both quite large in stature and much larger than most of the characters around them.  Hagrid’s bushy hair makes his silhouette almost identical to Jabba’s, that is until you get to the wormtail end of Jabba.  Both can be difficult to understand.  Both movie characters took some practical effects  to make them real.  Both have a lot of unusual creatures around them.  I think the similarities end there.

Well, Jabba the Hutt made a poor showing on our lively.  We knew, going in, that he was a hard sell.  After all, Hagrid is a hero! He delivered Harry to the Dursleys and then he delivered Harry to Hogwarts.  He loved all kinds of creatures and always had good intentions.  Jabba on the other hand liked to eat all kinds of creatures.  His intentions were dastardly.  He encased Han in carbonite for crying out loud!

In the end the vote was 255-55 in favor of Hagrid, despite all of my fun facts about the 200 pound puppet run by 7 puppeteers.  Hagrid rules!!!

Through all the campaigning and voting, Jack fastidiously made his Spicy Ramen Masterpiece.  Here’s how he did it:

Cut 1 thawed chicken breast into bite sized pieces.  Season with onion powder, salt and pepper.  Cook in a frying pan until cooked through (about 5 minutes).  Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon soy sauce and cook for another 2 minutes.

In a sauce pan prepare ramen according to package directions. (Jack used maruchan chicken flavor ramen.) While boiling the noodles add a splash of soy sauce and  sriracha seasoning to your desired spice level.  Jack added enough that he had to breath slowly between bites!

When the noodles are tender, drain off half the broth.  Pour ramen into a bowl and top with the cooked chicken.  Delicious!  And Spicy!  But Delicious!  See Jack’s reaction to his broth below. Music: Icy Girl–Saweetie